Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fun times in Seattle

Last wekend me and two of my friends went to see Cloverfield the movie, but instead we watched Juno. It was a really good. Before the movie we went to the Renton skate barn for the fourth time. It was really fun, we were really tired after when we went to the movie. The theater we went was Pacific Place in Seattle. We got to the mall early so we got some dinner. Then we went and played around on the escalator. It wasfun because we would run up the escalator that was going down. Then one time we were riding up and I jumped and was hanging on the cross beam over the escalader. My friends got knocked down behind me when i was hanging there and i fell down and we all rode up the escalader. Next we rode the elevator and right when it got to the top we would jump and bang our heads on the ceiling becuase the elevator launches you a little when you are at the top. Anyway the theater is really big so the seats dont go all the way up to the screen. So theres just a little open concrete plateform taht we layed on instead of the seats. But then our heads hurt cuz it was really hard. THE END.

Steven's Pass Park

Last weekend I went up tp STeven's Pass again. The snow was kinda hard and just a little icy. Although, by lunch enough people had ridden it so that the snow was all choped up and really good to ride on. My favorite part of thr day was in the park. Steven's Pass had put up more features to ride. One of my favorites was the up, flat, down, flat, down box. The box wansn't too hard to ride but it was hard to guess how muah speed I would need to make it over the top of the box. The box was about two feet away from the jump so you lose a lot of speed going up the side of the box.