Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This thanks giving my parents had two other families come over. My dad was going to make this one thing that is a chickenwith some stuffing in it, then he would put that in a duck with morre spicy stuffing sauce. Next he would put that in a turkcey and cook it. But in the end we just ended up having a regular turckey.The next day my dad and I watched a movie called Deadman. It was about this guy (Jonny Depp.) His job was an accountant. He was offered a job in the west so he took all of his money and bought a train ticket to go there. When he arrived he did not have the job anymore, so he ended up helping this one girl to her apartment, but a man came in and shot at the accountant, but the girl took the bullet which went through her and into the accountant. That's just the beginning of the movie. The rest is how a Native American helps him avoid the white men who are after him. This is a really good movie, it was made in black and white. It is a very well made movie that I would strongly recomend.


Cameron said...

i iked this because you told alot about the turkey thing it sounds good

L-unit said...

I liked this because your dad put the chicken in a duck. said...

I liked this because you described the foods good and I can imagine it really well!

Patricks blog said...

I liked it because you told about all the good food you had

Patricks blog said...

I liked it because you told about all the good food you had

Harrison said...

liked your entry because of the way you described the fodder.