Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fun times in Seattle

Last wekend me and two of my friends went to see Cloverfield the movie, but instead we watched Juno. It was a really good. Before the movie we went to the Renton skate barn for the fourth time. It was really fun, we were really tired after when we went to the movie. The theater we went was Pacific Place in Seattle. We got to the mall early so we got some dinner. Then we went and played around on the escalator. It wasfun because we would run up the escalator that was going down. Then one time we were riding up and I jumped and was hanging on the cross beam over the escalader. My friends got knocked down behind me when i was hanging there and i fell down and we all rode up the escalader. Next we rode the elevator and right when it got to the top we would jump and bang our heads on the ceiling becuase the elevator launches you a little when you are at the top. Anyway the theater is really big so the seats dont go all the way up to the screen. So theres just a little open concrete plateform taht we layed on instead of the seats. But then our heads hurt cuz it was really hard. THE END.


Lacy said...

I liked this because of the way you told about your whole day. The elavator part sounded fun.

linden said...

I liked this entry because it sounded like you had a lot of fun. :)

Harrison said...

i liked your entry because of how you explained every part of the day.

tommy said...

Hey Olivander the wand maker! Nice blog. It really sounded like a bawler of a time at the theater. You had really good descrtiption on your fun time wathcing Juno. That truly did sound like fun.

. said...

I greatly enjoyed this blog entry. Sounds like you chaps had fun. It sounded like an amazing adventure because you went to the skate barn in renton for the fourth time, going extreme escalading, and seeing juno. It must of hurt when you dudes hit your heads on the elavator ceiling. We should try that some time. said...

I liked this entry because you explained what you did. I liked the movie Juno too! :) It's also cool that you went skateboarding. It's cool that you've been to the skatepark in Renton four times. That's alot of time! Good Job!

Harrison said...

Cool, that sounds like fun. I liked the descriptions of what you did on the escalators. That sounds like it must have hurt. It made me laugh when I read it. Fantastiic entry.

Chirs said...

hi Oliver. Very nice blog entry. it sounded like you had fun at the theater. You had some great description through your whole entry. Good job.